Legal Research and Writing

For those attorneys who cannot afford or do not need a full-time associate, Colleen Dalton offers "Virtual Associate" services to fellow attorneys at an affordable hourly rate.  These remote legal research and writing services have proven invaluable to solo and small-firm attorneys for the following reasons: 

  • Many attorneys cannot justify the time and expense associated with hiring and training an experienced, lateral associate, even though they may occasionally struggle with a barely manageable caseload, or they lack the time to pursue new business prospects.
  • Most research and writing tasks can easily be accomplished remotely via teleconferences and the internet, which saves attorneys (and their clients) time and money. 
  • There are no overhead costs associated with utilizing Ms. Dalton's services, and none of the other expenses associated with hiring, training and maintaining an employee. 
  • Ms. Dalton has extensive experience as the former chief legal researcher for a firm of more than 25 attorneys practicing in numerous different fields of law, and as the former Senior Litigation Associate of a department specializing in complex commercial litigation. 
  • The cost of these services can be passed directly on to the client.
  • For attorneys seeking to increase their visibility without sacrificing their own billable hours, Ms. Dalton is also experienced in collaborating in the researching and writing of articles on current legal issues and submitting them for publication to journals, newspapers and bar association publications.

If you would like to learn more about Ms. Dalton's "Virtual Associate" services, please feel free to call her directly at (718) 755-3018, or email her at